Medical Ministry   (7)
Sanitariums to Educate VC
Our sanitariums are to be schools in which instruction shall be given in medical missionary lines. They are to bring to sin-sick souls the leaves of the tree of life, which will restore to them peace and hope and faith in Christ Jesus. Forbid not those who have a desire to extend this work. Let the light shine forth. All worthy health productions will create an interest in health reform. Forbid them not. The Lord would have all opportunities to extend the work taken advantage of.... (MM 325.1) MC VC
In every large city there should be a representation of true medical missionary work. The principles of genuine health reform are to be brought out in clear lines, in our health publications, and in lectures delivered to the patients in our sanitariums. In every city there are men and women who would go to a sanitarium were it near at hand, who would not be able to go to one a long way off. There are many who will be convicted and converted, who now appear indifferent. I look at this matter in a very decided light. (MM 325.2) MC VC
Let many now ask, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” It is the Lord’s purpose that His method of healing without drugs shall be brought into prominence in every large city through our medical institutions. God invests with holy dignity those who go forth in His power to heal the sick. Let the light shine forth farther and still farther, in every place to which it is possible to obtain entrance. Satan will make the work as difficult as possible, but divine power will attend all truehearted workers. Guided by our heavenly Father’s hand, let us go forward improving every opportunity to extend the work of God. (MM 325.3) MC VC
We shall have to labor under difficulties, but because of this, let not our zeal flag. The Bible does not acknowledge a believer who is idle, however high his profession may be.—Letter 203, 1905. (MM 325.4) MC VC
Not as a Business Speculation VC
During the past few months I have been exceedingly busy, writing out the instruction given me as the Lord’s witness and messenger. Often I have written ten pages before others were up in the morning. I have been obliged to bear urgent messages to many persons.... (MM 325.5) MC VC